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Test Radxa ROCK 4 SE 4GB RAM untuk menjalankan aplikasi IoT (Internet of Things) berbasis Node-RED selama 7 hari, 24 jam nonstop. Test kali ini menggunakan tambahan heat sink dan cooling fan untuk menstabilkan suhu pada ROCK 4 SE. Hasilnya CPU usage stabil di kisaran 50~60% dan suhu prosesor stabil di kisaran 32~39°C Test Radxa ROCK 4 SE 4GB RAM to run Node-RED-based IoT (Internet of Things) applications for 7 days, 24 hours non-stop. This time the test uses an additional heat sink and cooling fan to stabilize the temperature on the ROCK 4 SE. The result is stable CPU usage in the range of 50~60% and stable processor temperature in the range of 32~39°C More info : Website ---- Tokopedia ---- Shopee ---- Acrylic Case with Heat Sink & Cooling Fan
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