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I use M-Track Reloaded, an ESP8266 - Tasmota - Node-RED - MQTT - Pi4 home-made solution, to control my vintage Märklin M-Track accessories over WiFi. I am working on adding wireless contact/occupancy detection, for use with Märklin contact or switching m-tracks. In this episode, I will be looking at ways to replicate the functionality of a block system within my application. It is all going to be about wires... Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:07 What has been done so far? 02:09 My Märklin block system and its limitations 05:01 Expected benefits of the track sensors 05:47 The custom PCBs 07:13 The software - What is Node-RED? - The Node-RED flow I made for the prototype 13:24 Additional requirements 16:27 New version with additional functionality 18:54 Testing with accessories on the layout 22:30 Next steps and thanks I hope you enjoy the video, Sous titrage auto-traduit disponible, pour voir comment faire: Automatisch übersetzte Untertitel verfügbar, wie macht man das? Siehe: Thanks for watching! Links: Tasmota project: Node-RED: Channel email: twitter:@TheThirdRail4 Subscription: Pictures used in this video are in the public domain to my knowledge. The trademarks mentioned in this video are the property of their respective owners and are used for description purposes. #Märklin #Vintage #analog #tmrguk #esp8266 #mqtt #nodered #tasmota Marklin, Spielbahn , Märklin, Märklin H0, Märklin H0 model Railway, Märklin Bahn, Märklin Anlage, Märklin M Gleis, Märklin M-track, Märklin Modellbahn, Märklin Vintage, Model Railway, Märklin Retro, Märklin Nostalgie, Märklin Tinplate , Märklin Layout, Märklin running video, Modelleisenbahn, Modellbahn, M Gleis, M Track, Diecast, running session, M-Gleis, Nostalgie Bahn, Spur H0, alte Spielbahn, Märklin Trains, alte Märklin Bahn, nostalgieanlage, marklin automatik, marklin automation, drehscheibe, kontaktgleis, schaltgleis, Raspberry Pi, MCP23008, MCP23017, ACS723 m-gleis , voie M , nodemcu, wemos d1 mini, raspberry pi analogique
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